writer traveler photographer

Day 9 … Anyone for tea?

Day 9 … Anyone for tea?

I can count on one hand the number of times in living memory that I’ve worn a dress; and can count on one finger the number of times I’ve worn a hat (a borrowed one at that.) The hat came from Susie Sweeney’s fine collection, and I wore it when Susie, Helen Hall and I […]

Day 7/8 … McNutt’s Island

Day 7/8 … McNutt’s Island

Joan d’Entremont and I are standing at the top of large cement walkway, which encompasses a huge cannon-like gun several feet below.  It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen that’s not in a museum. Even stranger is the fact that it’s in the middle of nowhere, on McNutt’s Island, a relatively small hunk of […]

Days 5/6 Psycho … con’t

Days 5/6  Psycho … con’t

Ever  wonder where I found the photos of the two trucks that I used as the header for TJP? These are two old geezers parked in Neil Duncanson’s lot. He’s my closest neighbour—“up the road” about 1 km from our place. One day I asked Neil if I could take a photo for my web […]

Days 5/6 … Psycho

Days 5/6 … Psycho

No, Sandra’s not “gone psycho” (although a couple family members may beg to differ.) Psychogeography is a new term for me. I’ve read many definitions –some coherent; some not–but the one I like the best is by Merlin Coverly, a chap who wrote a book on the topic. He says, “Psychogeography seeks to overcome the […]

Day 5/6 … the 10K challenge

Day 5/6 … the 10K challenge

Hold on; it’s not what you think. This has nothing to do with running. It’s all about discovering as much as I can within a 10-kilometer radius of my home. Some people might think I’m daft. After all, I live in the woods on a river in a community that’s so small that it doesn’t […]

Day 4 … Bach vs snakes

Day 4 … Bach vs snakes

I credit Bach with restoring my sanity (or at least restoring my equilibrium) after getting up close and personal with snakes.  So I’ll start with Bach, and the rest will follow. The combination of having a couple of hours with adults and listening to some superb chamber music in this church was the perfect antidote […]

Day 3 … Rappie pie lesson 101

Day 3 … Rappie pie lesson 101

It’s been said that food is the most primitive form of comfort. And I’m here to tell you that a dish called “râpure,” a.k.a “rappie pie” is the ultimate comfort food in my books. But it bears no resemblance to what we normally thing of as a “pie.” In fact, visually it’s downright unappealing, and […]

Day 2 …zapped!

Day 2 …zapped!

Dear readers, I’ll try not to bore you with the antics of the twins. Suffice to say by the end of the day I was blithered. Wondering out loud why I felt so spent, Barrie said, “Take a look at your birth certificate.” Oh. That small matter of being 70 vs 3 years old. It’s […]

Day 1 … easing into TJP

Day 1 … easing into TJP

Canada Day happened to coincide with two things: a) our twin grandkids, Lucy and Ellie (3 years and 3 months old) arrived around noon after a trip on the Digby Ferry and, b) it was the first day of The July Project (TJP). Knowing there were some Canada Day celebrations at the Yarmouth South Playground, […]



Five more sleeps to The July Project (TJP) and also the launch of my new & improved website. Whoop! Now, in case you are wondering, this wee log cabin is the Durkee Memorial  Library in the village of Carleton, just a few kilometers from where we live. About 30 years ago I borrowed a book titled […]

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