I write a lot of stories for magazines–some of them community profiles–and it’s always a struggle to capture the essence of a community mainly because there’s so much to write about and not enough space. That happened recently with the story I wrote titled Only in Pubnico published in Saltscapes Magazine. I dream of having […]
Monthly archives for November, 2010
Photo high
If you ever hear that photographer Freeman Patterson is giving a talk or seminar, go! If means you have to pawn your jewelry, re-mortgage your home or raid your piggy bank to attend, do whatever you have to do. A couple of weekends ago I happened to be in Halifax, NS when serendipity stepped in. […]
Creative non-fiction: What is?
Thea Atkinson asked me recently if I’d join her on Facebook and posts some thoughts on writing creative non-fiction a.k.a. literary non-fiction, Lit J and narrative non-fiction. Without thinking, I said “Sure!” but when I actually went to post a few words I realized what a huge, huge topic this is. I wanted to write […]
Paddling woes
It’s raining sideways today. There are whitecaps on the river (a rare occurrence.) Puts me in mind of our first canoe trip of the year. It was a fine May morning; I was surprised to hear the weatherman forecast rain, wind and thunder. “The weatherman’s made a mistake,” I said to my husband, Barrie, then […]