writer traveler photographer

Posts in category Odds & Sods



I read recently that the source of crafts, science and arts is the power of reflection. So I’ve been doing a wee experiment and sitting by the river first thing in the morning with my cup of coffee … and, well, reflecting. Especially on the art (or craft) of writing in general and the July […]

The July Project … what was I thinking?

The July Project … what was I thinking?

So off I go to bed last night feeling pretty chuffed about this “project” Melanie and I have agreed to embark on this summer. Through the night, however, I woke up with a start and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I made a cup of hot chocolate, and sat in front of the fire in a […]

The July Project … launched today

The July Project … launched today

Funny how serendipity steps in when you least expect it. A few days ago I read Melanie Chamber’s blog, Toronto bound. Melanie is a travel writer and colleague whom I admire. Her title intrigued me, as I know that Melanie lives in Toronto. So what on earth could she mean by headlining her blog Toronto bound? Melanie […]

Q&A with Jamie Simpson for Atlantic Books Today

Q&A with Jamie Simpson for Atlantic Books Today

Jamie Simpson loves old-growth forests. In fact, he’s so smitten that he’s been searching high and low for them for many moons. The result is a narrative guide titled Journeys Through Eastern Old-Growth Forests, published byNimbus. Simpson has a background in biology, forestry and law, and has worked as a forester, writer and advocate for […]

Travel Writing Workshop–Moncton NB Sept. 27th

Travel Writing Workshop–Moncton NB Sept. 27th

Heading to the zoo! How about you? Seriously, I’m giving a Travel Writing Workshop at the Magnetic Hill  Zoo (Education Centre) on Saturday, Sept. 27. Participants can expect to be immersed into the world of travel writing. The workshop includes: an overview of opportunities, exercises to set practical goals, market information, how to break into travel […]

Book Launch!

Book Launch!

Shameless self promotion here folks so bear with me. A week from today I will be hosting a book signing, reception as part of the launch of my wee book, Maud Lewis and the Maudified House Project–The Story Starts Here. It’s primarily a photo documentary of a special project initiated by the Friends of the […]



Finally. Author! Author! is back on track. It was great to have Laura Best come on board to lead the brigade this spring. See her interview below and be sure to check out her comments for more insights. There’s a great lineup ahead. Aiming to post interviews twice a month.   Also, I’ve started uploading […]

WORKSHOP IN PEI: Getting Freelance Savvy

WORKSHOP IN PEI: Getting Freelance Savvy

  Saturday, October 26, Haviland Club in Charlottetown, PEI. This workshop is suitable for both newly-minted freelance writers and seasoned journalists who want to expand their portfolio. Aside from exploring magazine and corporate writing opportunities, participants will also pick up tips on managing the business end of things from how to negotiate and figure out what your time is […]

Surfacing #2

Surfacing #2

Well now. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. Or, when you are in such a spin you don’t know which way is up. Or down. Mercifully, I’ve come out on the other side … and seem to have most of my marbles intact. Have also been canoeing of late. Great trip with dear […]



OK. In my last post I bellyached about how I was away so much that it interfered with my having time to write any posts. I signed off by saying, “No more excuses.” I lied. I got pneumonia. Yep. Just like getting run over by a train. Knocked me silly and put me out of […]

Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

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