writer traveler photographer



Author! Author! is back on track. It was great to have Laura Best come on board to lead the brigade this spring. See her interview below and be sure to check out her comments for more insights.

There’s a great lineup ahead. Aiming to post interviews twice a month.  

6SMAlso, I’ve started uploading new photo collections. Click “Photo Gallery” on menu. The latest addition is a series of unusual shots titled “Reflections Tusket River” … taken a week ago from my canoe. The shot you see here is from that collection. Totally weird and wonderful. And, no, they have not been photoshopped. I don’t have that program, nor do I know how to use it.

However, for some photo shoots I use a technique called HDR which means high dynamic range. Anyway, I take three quick consecutive shots using the AEB (auto exposure bracketing) feature on my camera. One is underexposed by two f stops; one overexposed by two, and one on regular setting. Then I meld the photos together. This way, I get all the high and low tones possible, which gives the photos depth.

Normally, I would be using a tripod for this. Handheld is not recommended when doing HDR stuff as there’s a possibility of hand shake and “ghosting.” As I headed out in my canoe, it didn’t occur to me to bring a tripod. So these are not 100 percent without shake, but the ghosting is almost non-existent, and I’m thrilled with the results.  

This weekend I’ll work on a collection from Battle Harbour, Labrador.





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Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

EDITORS, please click on My Work and Photo Gallery in the menu bar to get the big picture of what I do.


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