writer traveler photographer

Posts tagged authors

Writing Life 1

I just started a new category called Writing Life. If writing is in your realm of interests, yay! Read on. If not, I hope you read this anyway—and consider writing. Everyone has a story. Mine, today, is this: Mama always said that she felt closest to God when she was picking blueberries. Thinking about this […]



Finally. Author! Author! is back on track. It was great to have Laura Best come on board to lead the brigade this spring. See her interview below and be sure to check out her comments for more insights. There’s a great lineup ahead. Aiming to post interviews twice a month.   Also, I’ve started uploading […]

Author! Author! Doreen Pendgracs

Author! Author! Doreen Pendgracs

This past July, Doreen Pendgracs launched Chocolatour: A Quest for the World’s Best Chocolate whereby the author invites readers to join her on a sensuous, taste-tempting journey of chocolate discovery. Aside from getting insider information about chocolate from various countries in Europe, Doreen explores topics such as how and where cacao becomes chocolate; various personalities […]

Author! Author! Beverly Akerman

Author! Author!  Beverly Akerman

After over two decades in molecular genetics research, Beverly Akerman realized she’d been learning more and more about less and less. Skittish at the prospect of knowing everything about nothing, she turned, for solace, to writing. The results are impressive: She’s been nominated for the Pushcart Prize (fiction and nonfiction) and National Magazine Awards. Her […]

Author! Author! Rosalyn Cronin

Author! Author!   Rosalyn Cronin

Rosalyn Cronin is a Certified Management Accountant who loves to give people advice on business and personal money management. She has published her first book, The Healthy Business: Shape Up, Survive & Thrive. A Get-Fit Program for Small Business. While developing her writing skills for the book, Rosalyn started a professional writing career, with her […]

Author! Author! Jodi Delong

Author! Author!     Jodi Delong

Welcome to the first of many Author!Author! interviews. Freelance writer and perennially compulsive gardener Jodi DeLong insists that no matter where in Atlantic Canada we live, we can all grow great gardens. When not working in her own abundant gardens, she’s writing, talking or thinking about plants and gardening. Jodi is a contributing writer, photographer, […]

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