Five more sleeps to The July Project (TJP) and also the launch of my new & improved website. Whoop! Now, in case you are wondering, this wee log cabin is the Durkee Memorial Library in the village of Carleton, just a few kilometers from where we live. About 30 years ago I borrowed a book titled […]
Posts by
I wonder if friendships are made in heaven? Or maybe it’s that when you make a new and fast friend, there’s something heady and heavenly about it. I’m not sure how Melanie Chambers came into my life, but if memory serves, it was a few years ago via the TMAC listserve (Travel Media Association of […]
The July Project … launched today
Funny how serendipity steps in when you least expect it. A few days ago I read Melanie Chamber’s blog, Toronto bound. Melanie is a travel writer and colleague whom I admire. Her title intrigued me, as I know that Melanie lives in Toronto. So what on earth could she mean by headlining her blog Toronto bound? Melanie […]
Q&A with Jamie Simpson for Atlantic Books Today
Jamie Simpson loves old-growth forests. In fact, he’s so smitten that he’s been searching high and low for them for many moons. The result is a narrative guide titled Journeys Through Eastern Old-Growth Forests, published byNimbus. Simpson has a background in biology, forestry and law, and has worked as a forester, writer and advocate for […]
R.I.P. Author! Author!
Folks, although I love interviewing authors and celebrating their stories, other things have come up that have taken my time/attention. I’ve come to accept the fact that I’m never going to catch up with Author! Author! so I’m letting go of the guilt and moving on. Over the holidays I will be revamping this […]
Travel Writing Workshop–Moncton NB Sept. 27th
Heading to the zoo! How about you? Seriously, I’m giving a Travel Writing Workshop at the Magnetic Hill Zoo (Education Centre) on Saturday, Sept. 27. Participants can expect to be immersed into the world of travel writing. The workshop includes: an overview of opportunities, exercises to set practical goals, market information, how to break into travel […]
Book Launch!
Shameless self promotion here folks so bear with me. A week from today I will be hosting a book signing, reception as part of the launch of my wee book, Maud Lewis and the Maudified House Project–The Story Starts Here. It’s primarily a photo documentary of a special project initiated by the Friends of the […]
Author! Author! Chad Norman
Meet Chad Norman. He recently completed his 15th book of poetry, titled Masstown, which celebrates the once-thriving dairy community just west of Truro, in Colchester County. Through his grandparents, Bert and Gladys, the poems lead the reader back onto the farm. But not just any farm. Masstown is a poignant collection showing memory at work, […]