writer traveler photographer

Posts in category Odds & Sods

Giddy-up-go; Halt!

Giddy-up-go; Halt!

It’s been ninety-one days since I last posted here. Something I swore I’d never let happen again–let a huge hunk of time lapse before “checking in.” It’s not for lack of content, or what I think would be fun to share; there’s buckets of stuff idling in the wings. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been buckets of […]

Knock-me-down quote

“Be wild; that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage [to do] that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially […]



Sometimes a simple daisy turns out to be not so simple after all. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But as I moved around the daisy patch our in our back yard, it became evident that these sensational spirals were the norm. Much like working through a maze, I found […]

A ferny kind of day

A ferny kind of day

I came upon a site recently that deals with words. Not sure if someone sent it to me or if I saw if on Facebook or? Matters not. The site is Wordsmith.org and is prepared by Anu Garg. The title of the project is A. Word. A. Day. If you subscribe, as I did, you’ll […]

The wonder of small

COVID looms so large in our lives, and its scope and depth is so pervasive that I find myself looking into the wonder of small for relief and diversion. I didn’t intend it to be this way. That is, I didn’t set out looking for it. Rather, the wonder of small found me. I suspect […]

And so it goes …

And so it goes …

Today, at 8 a.m. Nova Scotia locked down. Off and on for the past year we’ve had some minor restrictions on travel, the number of people we could gather with, and the number of stores/services that were available to us. But things started to go sideways a couple of weeks ago. A trip to see […]

March about to march in

March about to march in

Funny how significant events in our lives are lodged somewhere in our skulls then surface when mentioned. For example, I can recall to the hour where I was, who I was with etc. on the day President Kennedy was shot, the horrors of 9/11, and the day of the circus ship fire in Yarmouth. (I […]

Staying out of jail … for the moment

Staying out of jail … for the moment

Seem to have been busy this month with court preparations and all. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, only one out of the nine arrested could physically be present during the court hearing this past Monday, January 26. However, we listened by phone when we could, and gathered outside the Supreme Law Court on Upper Hollis […]

Addendum …

Addendum …

Yesterday I read this quote by Maya Angelou: If you’re not angry, you’re either a stone, or you’re too sick to be angry. You should be angry. You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure. So use that anger, […]

Boxing day thoughts …

Boxing day thoughts …

Barrie gave me a macro lens for my Birthday last month, about the same time of my last post. But, since then, things kind of ramped up and I went from turtle pace to full bore cheetah run. (Remind me sometime to tell you about discovering Cheetah–my spirit animal.) Anyway, as most of you know, […]

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