writer traveler photographer

Posts tagged Birchdale

Only 16 sleeps ‘till summer!

In less than three weeks it will be summer. Last I knew, it was winter. Or so it seems. Methinks that time thieves are on the loose again. The good news is that I’ve been preparing to give a workshop for the Writers Federation of New Brunswick via Zoom titled The Power of Prompts. Just […]

Wilderness lodges—two of the best (yet oh-so-different!)

Less than an hour’s drive from where I live in Southwest Nova Scotia, there are two wilderness lodges: Trout Point Lodge, located east of the village of Kemptville, Yarmouth County, and Birchdale, located north of the same village. Think: opulence versus bare bones. Oddly enough, as the crow flies, they are less than 10 km […]

R.I.P. John Prout

When I was six, a guide by the name of John at Birchdale (a hunting and fishing lodge in Southwest Nova Scotia) taught me how to paddle. There were two guides there around that time: John Jeffrey (deceased) and John Prout. I had the good pleasure of meeting John Prout just over a year ago. […]

Need a 50-hour day

Need a 50-hour day

  I reckon if we had a 50-hour day I might catch up by year 2019. I am so far behind I feel as if I’m mired in a mud hole that’s thicker’n molasses and wading my way through in slow mo. So, any time now, I’m going to shift into high gear and leap […]

The Mindful Writer

Looking to get your “write” on? Heather White and I will be leading The Mindful Writer, an unplugged writers’ retreat and opportunity to cultivate a mindful writing practice. Topics include painting with words, mindful insights, exercises to spark imagination and creativity. Weekend is suitable for beginner or emerging writers; experienced writers will benefit as well. […]

Day 12 … Two kinds of heaven

Day 12 … Two kinds of heaven

It’s been said that wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit. If this is true, perhaps it’s because places in the wilderness provides that other-worldly feeling we sometimes refer to as “heavenly.” I know that word is clichéd, but Birchdale is such a place. And, although I’ve been there many […]

The July Project … what was I thinking?

The July Project … what was I thinking?

So off I go to bed last night feeling pretty chuffed about this “project” Melanie and I have agreed to embark on this summer. Through the night, however, I woke up with a start and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I made a cup of hot chocolate, and sat in front of the fire in a […]

Surfacing #2

Surfacing #2

Well now. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. Or, when you are in such a spin you don’t know which way is up. Or down. Mercifully, I’ve come out on the other side … and seem to have most of my marbles intact. Have also been canoeing of late. Great trip with dear […]

Summer update

Summer update

I’m embarrassed to have such a prolonged absence here. I seem to get sidetracked by life in general and work in particular. Not a bad thing!  But it does seem a pity that we have to interrupt living with getting a few hours leep. Such is life. You’ll be happy to know, however, that the […]

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