writer traveler photographer

Posts in category Uncategorized

Woof! (Shades of Bailey)

Woof! (Shades of Bailey)

During the summer of 2015, colleague Melanie Chambers and I embarked on “The July Project.” Nutshelll: every day, we went somewhere different in our own backyard (Melanie in greater Toronto; yours truly in Southwest NS) and posted our daily adventures with photos on our websites. Major undertaking. Major learning experience. Major good time drizzled with […]

Of Plug-ins and Passports

Of Plug-ins and Passports

Hmmm. Seems that you, dear subscriber, have not been receiving my posts. Son James to the rescue! He says, “For some reason the plugin that managed your subscriptions hadn’t auto-updated, and was disabled.” He updated the whozits and whazits and I’m assuming this wee note will get through to everyone. Meanwhile, you may get a […]

Winter Writing Workshops

Winter Writing Workshops

Pleased (and excited) to be giving three non-fiction writing workshops this winter via Zoom. Here are the blurbs and links. Please check them out … and help spread the word! Putting the Creative in Creative Non Fiction with Alexandra Writing Centre Society, eight weeks. Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m. MT (4-6 p.m. AST) starting Feb. 5th https://www.alexandrawriters.org/store/p638/putting-the-creative-in-creative-nonfiction.html […]

New word: octogenarian

New word: octogenarian

Three days short of a year since I popped into view. Wowzas! Rather than look back, here’s the now-news: I have Lyme. Fortunately, I don’t have migraines, extreme joint pain, or worse. What I do have, however, is a debilitating fatigue and ‘brain fog.’ Although I’ve heard that term before, I never knew what it […]

And then …

And then …

A year and a bit has drifted by. Well, “drifted” is not the exact word I’m looking for. Zoomed? Hmm. Yes, but still not quite right. Barrelled? Flown? Trundled? Let’s just say it’s been a year and a bit since I said adios. I’m back. Two weeks from today, I fly to Toronto and get […]

Over & out!

Over & out!

Summer came … and left. And for the first time in years I found myself with time on my hands. Time to enjoy visits with family and friends; time to paddle; time to dawdle in the garden, take photos, read; time to spend at The Shack dabbling in the realm of writing essays; and time […]

Spring … shiver, shiver

Remember Tom Paxton’s song that the Irish Rovers (and others) sang back in 1973, “Wasn’t that a party…” Well that’s been buzzin’ around in my head all day save that it’s turned into “Wasn’t that a winter …” only my version is riddled with expletives. Barrie and I were in NB over the weekend celebrating […]

C is for CHEER

C is for CHEER

I’ve not thought about the word “cheer” as an actual feeling until today. But I have been feeling cheery of late—thanks to a little bird. This feeling started about a week ago when a bird showed up on our front deck under a birdhouse where we put suet for the woodpeckers. I thought at first […]

Winter! How did this happen?

In less than forty-eight hours it will officially be winter–with Christmas on its heels. Seems that fall came and went in the flash of an eye. SWISH! Just like that. Although I slowed down–way way down–time, it seems, did not. This past November I turned seventy-seven and celebrated my personal “new year” by spending a […]

The simplicity of leaves

The simplicity of leaves

Well, that’s not really true. Leaves are very complex in structure, design and makeup, not to mention what they contribute to the life of a tree. But my crazy life of late has slowed down and I can now take the time to do simple things like get up close and personal with a leaf. […]

Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

EDITORS, please click on My Work and Photo Gallery in the menu bar to get the big picture of what I do.


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