writer traveler photographer

Fall update

Fall update

If you sensed I was embarrassed when I wrote my last post, I am now mortified knowing it’s been so bloody long since I’ve been posting on a regular basis. My excuse? Tracking down stories … two weeks in New Brunswick, three weeks in Labrador and five weeks in Vietnam/Cambodia and Thailand respectively–all since my […]

Summer update

Summer update

I’m embarrassed to have such a prolonged absence here. I seem to get sidetracked by life in general and work in particular. Not a bad thing!  But it does seem a pity that we have to interrupt living with getting a few hours leep. Such is life. You’ll be happy to know, however, that the […]

Wanna be a travel writer?

Wanna be a travel writer?

Woohoo! I’ll  soon be doing one of my favourite things (delivering a travel writing workshop) in one of my favourite places (Fredericton NB). The workshop will be on April 28, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at “The Station” on York Street. Here’s a quick recap of the focus and workshop outline. Pass the word […]

Author! Author! Wendy Kitts

Author! Author! Wendy Kitts

Wendy Kitts is a freelance writer who’s penned stories for magazines and been a regular reviewer of middle school and young adult literature for several years. As you’ll discover in this interview, she’s learned a lot about going out on a limb and saying “yes” to the Universe. Wendy lives in Moncton, NB. She’s also […]

Author! Author! Barbara Florio Graham and friends

Author! Author!    Barbara Florio Graham and friends

Finally, Author! Author! is back on track and I’m pleased to introduce Barbara Florio Graham, the managing editor of a dynamite book titled Prose to Go: Tales from a Private List. The book contains 34 first-person stories from 18 contributors in 14 locations across Canada, from the NWT to PEI. The contributors are all professional […]

Freelance writing workshops

Freelance writing workshops

Thought I’d post a note here about my next two freelance workshops. Saturday October 1, in Halifax, NS Saturday November 5, in Saint John, NB These are full day workshops. The one in Halifax will focus on freelance opportunities for various venues (corporate world, business writing, writing for magazines and trade journals etc.) The Saint […]

Odds ‘n’ Sods

Odds ‘n’ Sods

OK. Gotta ‘fess up. I’ve been negligent. Funny how life gets in the way sometimes. But I’m getting back on track. Before the new moon makes an appearance on August 29th, you can expect to see a new/improved version of this site. By that time I will also be back in full swing with the […]

Author! Author! Johanna Bertin

Author! Author! Johanna Bertin

Johanna Bertin is a licensed medical social worker in Fredericton, NB who would love to spend more time writing but isn’t ready to give up her love affair with her day job. She’s working on a way to incorporate the love of one into the other, but in the meantime has written five books. Her […]

Author! Author! Silver Don Cameron

Author! Author!  Silver Don Cameron

This is a bit of a departure.  Below you will read The End of My Sunday Column by Silver Donald Cameron. It is sobering. “Silver Don” is one of Canada’s most respected  journalists; he’s penned 16 books including two novels; won innumerable awards; owns/hosts The Green Interview; and for 13 years had a column in […]

Author! Author! Deborah Carr

Author! Author!   Deborah Carr

Deborah Carr has been a freelance writer for over a decade, with articles published in newspapers, magazines and other special publications. Her genre is creative non-fiction, her passion is Atlantic Canada, and her specialties lie in nature, conservation and people profiles.  Often, her own photography accompanies her articles. Her freelance website is www.deborahcarr.ca; her writing […]

Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

EDITORS, please click on My Work and Photo Gallery in the menu bar to get the big picture of what I do.


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