writer traveler photographer

Reinventing yourself as a freelancer

laptopJoin me for a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of day to figure out where you want to take your freelance business, and how you are going to get there–in both the periodical/online world, the corporate world, and other worlds where you can capitalize on your interests and expertise. Time will also be spent on the business end of things, including how to monitor what your time is worth,  how to track story ideas/client lists, and how to manage your work flow.

Date: Saturday Jan. 11
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Place: WFNS, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax
Fee: $135 inc. HST

Contact me a for a workshop outline at  s.phinney@ns.sympatico.ca

PS … tattoo and messy desk not pre-requisites!

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