writer traveler photographer

Posts tagged writing life

Writing Life #3

Wowzas! Grab a cuppa and listen up to poet, children’s writer and essayist Virginia “Ginny” Boudreau as she gives us a behind-the-scenes peek into her writing life. You’ll find her post loaded with inspiration and laced with writing tips. When our dear friend Sandra asked me to share some of my ideas about writing in […]

Writing Life 1

I just started a new category called Writing Life. If writing is in your realm of interests, yay! Read on. If not, I hope you read this anyway—and consider writing. Everyone has a story. Mine, today, is this: Mama always said that she felt closest to God when she was picking blueberries. Thinking about this […]

Author! Author! Chad Norman

Author! Author! Chad Norman

Meet Chad Norman. He recently completed his 15th book of poetry, titled Masstown,  which celebrates the once-thriving dairy community just west of Truro, in Colchester County. Through his grandparents, Bert and Gladys, the poems lead the reader back onto the farm. But not just any farm. Masstown is a poignant collection showing memory at work, […]

GOOD NEWS: Author! Author! returns tomorrow

GOOD NEWS: Author! Author! returns tomorrow

Happy to let readers know that this bi-weekly series resumes tomorrow.  First guest is Doreen Pendgracs who will be talking about her new book, “Chocolatour: A Quest for the World’s Best Chocolate.”  Her book is delicious … and her interview promises to be yummy as well.

Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

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