writer traveler photographer

Posts tagged Durkee Memorial Library

Days 5/6 … Psycho

Days 5/6 … Psycho

No, Sandra’s not “gone psycho” (although a couple family members may beg to differ.) Psychogeography is a new term for me. I’ve read many definitions –some coherent; some not–but the one I like the best is by Merlin Coverly, a chap who wrote a book on the topic. He says, “Psychogeography seeks to overcome the […]



Five more sleeps to The July Project (TJP) and also the launch of my new & improved website. Whoop! Now, in case you are wondering, this wee log cabin is the Durkee Memorial  Library in the village of Carleton, just a few kilometers from where we live. About 30 years ago I borrowed a book titled […]

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