In Halifax, NS, at Writer’s Federation of Nova Scotia, 1113 Marginal Road, Saturday Jan 23 from 9:30-4:30
Focus: travel writing for print publications, e-zines and blogs. Explore the opportunities, and learn about different kinds of travel writing (advertorial, service, round ups, essays, feature, etc.) Samples provided. You’ll also learn: how to find and analyze markets, expectations of clients and editors, the importance of pre-trip research and taking decent photos (and how), the value of belonging to a travel writer’s association and networking, and all about press trips.
Fee: $140 To register or to receive workshop outline, contact me.
BONUS: Travelling any distance? I’ve arranged for a media rate of $79 at the Westin Nova Scotian for anyone taking this workshop.
Hi Sandra – Pat Lee mentioned your workshop on travel writing . I’d be very interested to sign up if you still have spots. Pls let me know. thanks
PS I believe you wrote a magazine piece on myself and my biz partner Tony Hall at Welaptega many moons ago
Great to see you pop into view Gail! Yes … still a couple of seats open so have registered you. Will email you course outline and some details shortly. Look forward to seeing you!