writer traveler photographer


canoe-on-tusket-oct-18-2016smOh my. I recently completed a photo/essay about my love for canoeing and how/where that originated. As a result, I seem to have become obsessed with taking photos of canoes. So I decided to upload a gallery of canoe shots which I hope to do tonight. Stay tuned! Oh yeah … and the photo/essay will be published in the Nov./Dec. issue of Saltscapes. Excited beyond measure.


  1. John Irving John Irving
    October 20, 2016    

    I just have to add my own “beautiful” to all the others.

    • October 20, 2016    

      Thanks John! Funny how someone on high provides all the wonder and beauty and someone below gets the credit.

  2. Rose-Marie Lohnes Rose-Marie Lohnes
    October 20, 2016    

    Magnificent. Please save a signed copy for me, Sandra.

    • October 20, 2016    

      Aww. Your comment is likely to go to my head Rose-Marie. I’ve only ever signed a photo I’ve had blown up once … it was a donation to a silent auction (hospital fund-raising gala) and the organizers gave us gold-ink pens to sign our names. I thought it was a little over the top. haha

  3. Kate Pocock Kate Pocock
    October 20, 2016    

    Beautiful, beautiful Sandra. Can’t wait to see the issue. Do any of your shots have Bailey, your paddle partner?

    • October 20, 2016    

      Thanks Kate! I have a sent a couple with Bailey to the layout chap (part of 30 photos for him to select from) so he may show up in the layout (or not.) I’ll have a couple of him in my gallery later tonight. He says thanks for asking as he THINKS he should be in the layout. In fact, if he has his way, every photo would be of him.

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