writer traveler photographer

HeartSong Travel now live!

HeartSong Travel now live!

Oh my beating heart! We let HeartSong Travel loose on the world! As some of you know, colleague Melanie Chambers and I have been working on this concept for a year. In a nutshell: we’re challenging Canadians to: GO somewhere in your own backyard DO something that makes your heart sing TELL us about it! […]

Tsk Tsk …

Tsk Tsk …

Well now, this is embarrassing. It’s been almost five months since I’ve posted anything … and well over a year since I added any new stories that have been published to “My Work” samples, or any new photo galleries. And I can’t blame it on that elusive time thief any more; as that old cliche […]

Wilderness lodges—two of the best (yet oh-so-different!)

Less than an hour’s drive from where I live in Southwest Nova Scotia, there are two wilderness lodges: Trout Point Lodge, located east of the village of Kemptville, Yarmouth County, and Birchdale, located north of the same village. Think: opulence versus bare bones. Oddly enough, as the crow flies, they are less than 10 km […]



As my travel memoir–Waking Up In My Own Backyard–seems to have struck a cord with readers,  Melanie (to whom I dedicated the book) and I decided to roll out the concept across Canada. We recently held a FB contest for a name and received 187 suggestions! We selected “The Heartsong Project,” submitted by Anna Mallin. […]



I have a series of memoir writing workshops on the docket this spring! (And one travel writing workshop.) Saturday, April 7, Moncton, NB, at the Moncton Public Library 1-5 pm Saturday, April 28, Shelburne, NS, at the McKay Memorial Library 9;30-4:30 Thursday May 3 and Saturday May 5 in ON (places to be determined this […]

Birthing “Backyard” … readings planned

Birthing “Backyard” … readings planned

Whoop! Book should be rolling off the press any day now. Here’s the schedule of launches and readings. Note: The book does not contain any photos. However, at all the readings I’ll be giving a short slide show with an overview of the 31 days, along with reading some excerpts from the book. Would love […]

R.I.P. John Prout

When I was six, a guide by the name of John at Birchdale (a hunting and fishing lodge in Southwest Nova Scotia) taught me how to paddle. There were two guides there around that time: John Jeffrey (deceased) and John Prout. I had the good pleasure of meeting John Prout just over a year ago. […]

Voyageur Trip Ho!

Voyageur Trip Ho!

I’m giving an overview (and backstory) via slide show and talk about the Voyageur trip from Florenceville-Bristol NB to Saint John NB this past summer. It’s a free and fun program at Yarmouth Regional Library on Main Street next to Rodd Grand Hotel … Wed. Nov. 29 at 12 noon. Tea and coffee provided. Bring a […]

Creative Nonfiction Writing Award

Creative Nonfiction Writing Award

If anyone out there has a non-fiction manuscript looking for a home (or if you want to write a non-fiction book!) check this out. I’m posting here what I received today.  I’m also lifting a few covers from the publisher’s website. Here you go.     *     *     * Pottersfield Press […]

Feelin’ six feet tall …

Feelin’ six feet tall …

  For most of my adult life I’e been 5 ft. 2 in. — until I reached the age of fifty. Since then I seem to have lost a half inch every five year or so. I’ve especially noticed it when I hug my grown kids. They’ve seemed like giants of late, so I actually […]

Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!

EDITORS, please click on My Work and Photo Gallery in the menu bar to get the big picture of what I do.


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