Pleased (and excited) to be giving three non-fiction writing workshops this winter via Zoom.
Here are the blurbs and links. Please check them out … and help spread the word!
Putting the Creative in Creative Non Fiction with Alexandra Writing Centre Society, eight weeks. Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m. MT (4-6 p.m. AST) starting Feb. 5th https://www.alexandrawriters.org/store/p638/putting-the-creative-in-creative-nonfiction.html
Not sure what the word “Creative” means in Creative Non-Fiction? Great non-fiction essays and books are page turners. But here’s the catch. Creative Non-fiction doesn’t mean you can make things up and do as you please. Best stated by non-fiction guru Lee Gutkind: “True stories. Well told.” After all, it’s non fiction.
In this course we’ll swipe techniques from best-selling novels and Oscar-winning films—yet stay true to our stories. We’ll learn how to incorporate great dialogue, set compelling scenes, flesh out memorable characters, find points of conflict/resolution and use literary elements such as metaphor, internal rhyme, analogy, illusion (and many more!) to make our stories sing. The last two weeks we will explore creative forms and structures such as hermit crab essay, braided essay, graphic essay, portrait essay, lyric essay—ad infinitum.
Braiding Our Truths with Writer’s Federation of NB, three weeks, Saturdays, 10-1 MT (1-4 pm AST) on March 15, 22, 29
A braided essay is a powerful form of creative non-fiction. Think of a plait or braid such as a braided leather bracelet, lock of hair, or rug. Many materials can be used to create a braid—including stories.
Imagine three (or more) scenes or stories that are different yet related. You then present your story by weaving sections related to the central theme or storyline. A braided essay is challenging yet fun to write and an effective way to share our stories.
Participants will learn a ‘clustering’ technique to generate story threads you will then weave together. You’ll also receive sample braided essays, discover how to create concepts, research specific aspects of your story to add depth and scope, and determine the best way to structure your stories. Each week will build on the previous week.
Note: the last hour of the last class will focus on market information—where and how to submit your stories!
Making Memories Work For You (Memoir and Essays) with Writer’s Federation of NS, four weeks, Mondays 4-6 MT (7-9 pm AST) March 10, 17, 24, 31
Interested in writing true vignettes for your family? First person essays for publication? A full length memoir? If so, this workshop is for you!
We’ll explore the meaning of “memoir,” and you’ll learn elements of good storytelling and tips writing powerful nonfiction, including how and where can you mine for ideas; various ways of structuring you memoirs; and how to add depth and scope to your stories. Each session will include handouts and one or two writing exercises.
Questions? Send me an email sandracphinney@gmail.com or call me at 902 648-0462