Well, I’ll start of with seasons greetings from my home to yours! I’m not sure where time has gone ……….. swoosh! I’m embarrassed to see I’ve only had two posts the entire year. OIE! Life has been full. As you know by now, Melanie Chambers and I launched HeartSong Travel in the spring. Sadly, for a multitude of reasons, we decided to pull the plug on that project early this fall. But life–and work–has been overflowing with good things.
Work-wise, this spring I had the good fortune to create a booklet for the Yarmouth Co. Exhibition Society’s 160th Anniversary, celebrating the dairy producers in the region, both past and present. It was a blast.

A new granddaughter in Dartmouth joins twin cousins in New Brunswick, soon to be joined by another cousin in Ontario! The entire family had a reunion in PEI this summer and that was magical.
During the summer I worked for the Yarmouth Seafood & Wine Extravaganza Society doing media-related stuff, which culminated in going to Jamaica for a food/cultural exchange. Yah-mon. Check out the photo galleries of Yarmouth events here. Jamaica galleries should be added soon!
While I was gallavantin’ around, husband Barrie MacGregor has been working away at finishing “The Shack” (spiffing up a cabin he built 15 years ago.) It will be an Air BnB in the woods–and totally off grid. More about this later.

Meanwhile, I managed to get a fair amount of paddling in, including a couple of wilderness trips. Oh yeah, my “day job” kept me out of trouble and I also wrote several stories for magazines and newspapers. Check out “My Work” in the menu for a few additions. More recently, Christmas visits with family in NS and NB simply wondrous. And, yes,
This coming year my goal is to post something more often. Remember The July Project? Well, I won’t be posting every day, but I’m aiming for once a week. Remind of this Dec. 29th … one week from today.
Here’s to a happy and blessed Christmas everyone, and Seasons Best Wishes for the coming New Year.
Welcome back. It has been quite a year! Hope 2020 is filled with joy and success.
Happy Yule!
Top o’ the morning to ye, Sandra — and the middle and bottom of it too! Your posts always gladden my heart even when it’s already feelin’ good! The enthusiastic, and sometimes breathless, accounting of your daily life leaps across my psyche like a whirling dervish whose spontaneous dance of life generates caption bubbles that contain (but just barely) your words. .And, of course, those beautiful, buoyant bubbles all float heavenward!
I have a little gift for you that I found a few months ago, and if you’re willing to share your mailing address (via FB Messenger perhaps,) I’ll send it off to you. It’s a little bigger than a postage stamp, but, in my estimation, the good intentions I will infuse it with will be bigger than the great outdoors you occupy so graciously and gratefully! I was tempted to just put your name on the wee padded envelope, followed by “East of Eden” and the Tusket postal code, but I’m not at all confident that the PO staff would interpret that as “Canaan!”
Nina Simone: "I'm Feeling Good!"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Y11hwjMNs
Good night Trudy! Not sure how this slipped through the cracks, but it did. My apologies! If you still have that wee gift for me, I would LOVE to receive it! PO Box 28, Yarmouth NS, B0W 3M0. If you’ve passed it on, Yay for you! This spring (after the world finds her bearings again) we should connect. I would love that. Could be here in Canaan (remember apple cider days?) or I could venture up your way. Meanwhile, hope your spirits are high and that you and loved ones are well. xxxooo
Sandra and Barry -Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the best in 2020. You will be having fun with your new grandchildren soon – looking forward to hearing stories about them! Marilyn Moore