I reckon if we had a 50-hour day I might catch up by year 2019. I am so far behind I feel as if I’m mired in a mud hole that’s thicker’n molasses and wading my way through in slow mo. So, any time now, I’m going to shift into high gear and leap […]
Barrie had a cold when we left NS which Carmen picked up right away and I followed suit after we arrived in Tortola. We hacked our way through the first few days (Barrie referred to us all as the Phlem Family). Our breathing was made worse by a severe case of mould and mildew that […]
Welcome! This is where I occasionally post a story that's not filed under My Work ... or give a behind-the-scenes commentary (when fit to publish.) You'll also find notices about upcoming workshops, such as memoir or travel writing. Enjoy your visit and come back often. Better yet, subscribe!
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