writer traveler photographer

Day 23 … South shore surprises

Day 23 … South shore surprises

There’s nothing like getting off the highway and poking around secondary roads–many which seem to snake along rather haphazardly–then POW! There it is … a Parks Canada National Historic Site that pops into view in the middle of freakin’ nowhere. Or a beach that goes for miles and is practically deserted. All within minutes of […]

Break break break

Break break break

Folks, try as I might to catch up, I  am still 9 posts behind.  And, oooh, they are humdingers … from learning about UFOs, to meeting an artist in her 80’s who’s built a boat and will be sailing to Paradise later in August, to strolling through a weird, wacky and whimsical forest  … and […]

Day 22 … High tech berries

Day 22 … High tech berries

“This should spare my back,” says Jackson Lore. Jackson is referring to growing strawberries in a 200 ft. long x 20 ft. series of trays installed about three feet above the ground. In a couple of weeks they will be protected by a large tunnel over the top of the trays.  This is all happening […]

Storied homes … con’t

Storied homes … con’t

I love this town and her ravishing beauties—homes with old bones that have been lovingly kept or restored. For some reason or other I always want to break out in that chorus: “Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones…” when I’m close to one of these lovelies. It’s after lunch and I’m now on tour […]

Day 21 … Storied homes

Day 21 … Storied homes

“And here’s where the slop from the operating room went,” says Rosemary, as she lifts up the lid from a counter in a small pantry which now used for storage. I have visions of guts and gore plopping into slop buckets below. I’m visiting Rosemary Guyette and Dick Pothier at their home on Sycamore Street. […]

Day 20 … played hooky

Day 20 … played hooky

Ever notice how dandelions look pretty fuzzy at first glance  … but get up close and personal with one and WOW! What you can see is simply astounding. Puts me in mind of that old saying, “There’s more here than meets the eye …” When I was rained out of axe throwing in Barrington today, […]

Days 17-19 Picture perfect

Days 17-19 Picture perfect

I’m on a three-day paddle with Carol and Gerald Jacquard, their dog Bandit, and my husband Barrie. We’re paddling in a region close to where we live that encompasses three lakes (Quinan, Big Gull and Great Barren), some still waters, and several islands. If I tried to describe the essence of this trip, I would fail. So […]

Day 16 … Bargoons

Day 16 … Bargoons

You can’t beat “free.”  This was a day for bargains and bonuses for me. First off, I had the morning free from TJP–meaning I wasn’t on the road. This meant I could tidy up my messy office,  iron  some clothes (yes, I do iron about once a year), and start packing for a three-day canoe […]

Days 14/15 … GEZELLIG

Days 14/15 … GEZELLIG

Do you know that if you plan on digging clams, your chances of finding them improve at low tide–just as the tide starts to turn? And here’s a tidbit for you to chew on: clams are spooked by thunder and lightning. Yup. It’s true. So you’ll likely not have much luck digging a mess of […]

Day 13 … Cemetery insights

Day 13 … Cemetery insights

As Barrie and I stroll towards the Ritchie Memorial Chapel at Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery, the bells peal six times. I’m somewhat relieved, as I thought we were late for our 6 p.m. meeting with John Wainwright. After the usual hellos, John asks how long a tour we want. Assuming that cemeteries are about as exciting […]

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